Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Warning Signs that Your Relationship is Failing

Anyone who knows me well is aware that I've been in enough relationships to realize when one is slowly coming to an end. Here are some major signs that both men and women should pay attention to when it comes to failing relationships.

1. An unreachable partner.  He/she spends more time becoming involved in activities that he/she knows you are not interested in and forgets to call you or is anxious to end the call when you do speak. Another sign of avoidance is claiming to be working late on a regular basis when you clearly know that that he/she has a 9-5 job that wouldn't require those late night deadlines.

2. Loss of interest. He/she refuses to participate in activities that you once enjoyed together and begins to spend important occasions such as holidays or birthdays with people that you hardly know. A rapid decline in intimacy in the bedroom may also occur when your relationship is about to end.

3. Changes in style or wardrobe. A sudden and drastic change in his/her appearance signifies that your partner is attempting to attract another lover or may already be having an affair.

4. More or less arguments. Your partner begins to act irritated over small things that never used to bother him/her about you. On the other hand, he/she could suddenly stop arguing altogether.  Surprisingly, this isn't a good sign, but rather shows that he/she no longer cares at all about the relationship and has therefore emotionally "checked out."

5. Lack of talk about the future. When you try to plan that summer vacation and he/she changes the subject , makes up obvious excuses about why he/she is unavailable or completely ignores you, then you definitely know that it is time to move on with someone new.